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California Dairy Newsletter

Topics related to commercial dairy cow milk production and allied industry relations. Oriented to typical California enterprise.

Issues Articles
September 2024

In this Issue:

UC Dairy Conference

HPAI Updates

Navel Disease in Calves

BRD Considerations

July 2024
February 2024

In this issue:

  • Byproduct Feeding
  • Dairy Plus
  • Teat Sealants
  • Farm Show Seminars
  • Updates/Announcements
  • Winter Forage Harvest
December 2023 - Special Edition
  • Horn Removal Options - Opciones de descorne
  • Calves scour - Diarrea en terneros
  • Udder Prep Towels - Toallas de paño para preparación
  • Calf Pneumonia - Neumonia en terneros
Celebrating 75 years of VMTRC

Celebrate with us at VMTRC!

Join us to honor the 75th anniversary of UC Davis Veterinary Medicine and 40th of VMTRC. Enjoy a social hour, lunch, and tour at our Tulare location.

Date: December 7th, 2023

Time: 11 a.m.

Location: VMTRC (18830 Rd 112, Tulare, CA 93274)

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with peers, celebrate our shared history, and look forward to future advancements in veterinary medicine.

Looking forward to seeing you!

RSVP appreciated: call (559) 684 - 3300

August 2023

In this issue:

Livestock Drugs......... …….1

Farm Advisor Hires............. 3

Calf Feeding Tips................ 4

Summer Electrolytes........... 5

Vesicular Stomatitis............ 6

Volume 15, Issue 2 - June 2023

In this issue:

Announcements......... …….1

Stress & milk production.... 2

Crossbred feedlot data........ 3

SDCT Study Invite............. 4

Detecting mastitis, AMS..... 5

Flooding Impacts SJV News Release
April 2023
December 2022
August Dairy Newsletter
May 2022
Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2022



Volume 13, Issue 4 - November 2021
Golden State Dairy Newsletter - August 2021
Golden State Dairy Newsletter: Special Drought Edition
May 2021
2021 Golden State Dairy Management Conference Webinars

2021 Golden State Dairy Management Conference Webinars


CA Dairy Newsletter - February 2021
Golden State Dairy Newsletter

November 2020

2020 Virtual Alfalfa Field Day
August 2020
Animal Carcass Removal Update
May 2020

By-Product Management

Early Lactation Milking

AMMP Funds

Research Opportunity

CA Breeding Strategies

Golden State Dairy Management Conference

March 4, 2020

UCCE Stanislaus  

3800 Cornucopia Way

Modesto, CA

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Heguy, UCCE Dairy Farm Advisor

jmheguy@ucdavis.edu or (209)525-6800


February 2020
November 2019
  • Starting Out Right with this Year's Irrigated Double Crop of Small Grain Forages
  • What do California Dairies Look Like?
  • Funding Opportunities for Alternative Manure Management Projects
  • High Bacterial Counts in Pasteurized Waste Milk?
  • Research Roundup: Preliminary By-Product Feeding Survey Results
Feeding Beets on CA Dairy Farms

A new issue is available for Field Crop & Nutrient Notes.

Feeding Beets on California Dairy Farms Contents:

September 19th
Kearney Ag Center
9240 S Riverbend Ave
Parlier, CA

2019 Annual Alfalfa and Forage Field Day


May 2019
February 2019
Vol. 10, Issue 4, December 2018

In this issue:

Dry Cow Therapy

Naval Infections

New Dairy Advisor

Manure Funding Available

SJV Agronomic Crops Field Day Notice
2018 Alfalfa & Forage Field Day
Nutrient Notes June 2018

2017 Tulare County Blackeye Cowpea Strip Trial

Sugarcane Aphid of Sorghum - Insecticide Efficacy

Vol. 10, Issue 2, May 2018

In this Issue:

Next Generation of Carbon Management    

Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance in Waste Milk        

Heifer Operation Regulation      

Gene Editing for Polled Trait into Elite Germplasm          

Dairy Needs Assessment Results 

Tips for a Successful Sorghum Crop

February 2018

In this issue:

De-Pooling of Milk in the Proposed CA Federal Milk Marketing Order

Colostrum IgG

Manure Pipes and Struvite

Calf Respiratory Disease

Reproductive Performance

Golden State Dairy Management Conference

7th Annual Cattle Improvement Symposium

FARM Club at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Presents:

7th Annual Cattle Improvement Symposium

February 3, 2018 at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

August 2017

In this Issue:

Forage Particle Length

Disbudding calves

Managing lagoons

Sugarcane Aphid

April 2017

In this issue:

Needs assessment survey

Report of Salmonella in California cull cows

2016 sorghum quality & survey results

Heat abatement strategies: tips & reminders

Understanding your annual report numbers

Spring sampling reminders

January 2017

Timed-AI Programs 
TMR Audits 
Sorghum Field Research
Sugar-Cane Aphid 
BRD App 
Winter Storms 
Meeting Announcements 

Sorghum Silage for CA Dairies
November 2016

Methane in the News
Welcome JP Martins
Silage Structure Options
Fresh Pen Milk Yield
Research Roundup:
     Greenhouse Gases
2016 Small Grain Variety Trials
Dairy Genomics Workshop

August 2016

Maximize Manure Nitrogen Value
Metritis Diagnosis Considerations
Announcements:  Project Cooperators Needed & Position Opening

April 2016

CA Dairy Conference
Silage Underlay, Part II
Sorghum Silage Project
In-Crop Corn Management
IV Calcium & Subclinical Hypocalcemia
Raising Healthy Calves
C & N Management

January 2016

Gene Editing
Silage Underlay
Winter Reminders
Water Board Violations
Dairy Advisor Recruitment
Golden State Dairy Conference

January 2016

2016 Golden State Dairy Management Conference

December 2015 - Spanish

Avoiding Drug Residues
Lameness - Are Your Cows Stepping on Sharp Objects?
The Importance of Dry Matter:  Tips for Feeders and Dairy Producers

October 2015

Preparing for El Niño
Managing Mud
Sharp Objects & Lame Cows
Pneumonia in Calves
CAHFS & Animal Disease
C. Collar Retirement
Dairy Advisor Position Recruitments

August 2015

Antibiotics on Dairies
Corn Silage Processing Scores of CA Silage
CDQAP Certification & Fee Reduction
Sorghum Tips
N. Peterson Retirement

April 2015 - Workshop

Dairy Genomics Workshop

April 2015

Monitoring DCAD?
What is Dry Matter
Dairy Challenge in CA
Environmental Compliance Reminders

January 2015

What is IVF?
Winter "To Do" List for Compliance
Western Dairy Management Conference
Meeting - California Dairy Management Seminars, Focus on Feeding

January 2015

Managing Cow Comfort in Hot Weather Meeting

November 2014

Necropsy's Value
Pesticide Database
Managing Salts
BRD Management
Choosing a Lab
Remembering Tom Schultz

July 2014

Correcting Silage DM
Silage DM Requirements
Managing Nutrients w/Drought
A. Castillo Retirement
What is Energy?
Soakers & Cow Cooling
Milk Pregnancy Test

April 2014

Drought Assistance
100 Years of UCCE
Managing Nutrients without Water
Sorghum for Drought?
Avoiding Antibiotic Residues
Uterine Infections
Aid for Farmers with Blackbirds
UCCE Centennial Celebration

January 2014

Preventing Milk Fever
Promote your Product
Heat Stress Meeting
Voluntary Waiting Period
In Memoriam:  Don Bath
Hoof Health Meetings

November 2013

Changes to the WDR General Order
Meet the New Dairy Advisor
Silage Face Management
Calf Diarrhea II
Dairy & Sustainability
Upcoming Meetings

August 2013

Harvest Reminder, Kernel Processing
New AVMA Euthanasia Guidelines
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, General Order Reminders
Employee Heat Safety Reminders
Neonatal Calf Diarrhea
Sugar Beets as a Potential Starch Substitute
Dairy Surveys Underway & Announcement

Dairy Advisor Interview Seminars Announcement


UC Cooperative Extension UCCE will be conducting interviews for the position of UCCE Dairy Advisor Tulare-Kern County. You are invited to the interview seminars at the Tulare County Ag Building, 4437-B S. Laspina St.

The topics are chosen by the candidate. You will have an opportunity to provide your comments. You may attend one or all. We would welcome and appreciate your participation.

The candidates and times are listed in the attached announcement.

April 2013

Regulatory Reminders
Forage NSC & NFC
Marvelous Improvement Device
Mineral Excretions
Silage Survey
Managing for Quality

March 2013

Labor Turnover
Feeding Calves
Forage NDF Digestibility
Position Announcement:  Tulare & Kern Advisor

January 2013 Spanish

Dairy Advisor Position Open
Time for a Freestall Check?
Antiobiotic Residues in Dairies
Managing for More Milk
Preparing the Total Mixed Ration:  What Indgredients Should I Add First?
Identifying Sick Cows that Need to be Examined

November 2012

Dangers of Feeding Pistachios
Intestinal Hematomas
Understanding Forage Analyses
Implement your Protocols
California Dairy Management Seminars in English & Spanish

August 2012

Dairies in the News
Corn Silage Management
Freestall Check
Calf Diarrhea
Rabies in Ruminants
By-products Use
Retirements & Awards

May 2012

Motivating Employees
Corn Silage Management
Polio in Cattle
Schmallenberg Virus
Cooling Dry Cows
Dairy Closures

February 2012

TMR Mixing
Calf Pneumonia
Technology & Cows

December 2011 Spanish

UCCE Herdsman Shortcourse Announcement
Back to Basics:  Milking Procedures
Trouble-Shooting High LPC
Heat Stress in Cattle
Managing Retained Placentas
Looking at the Dairy from an Outside Perpective

November 2011

Forage Dry Matter
Milk Quality
Research Update

September 2011

Management Considerations
Plant Tissue Sampling
Diagnosing Downer Cows
Supply Well Sampling
Utilizing Checklists
NRCS Announcement

June 2011

Antibiotic Residues
Identifying Sick Cows
Monitoring Mastitis
Water Board Updates
Corn Silage Field Day

February 2011

To Our Readers
Silage Face Management
Milk Quality
WDR Reminders
Protected Amino Acids
Nutrient Efficiency

December 2010 Spanish Estrés por calor en vacuno Manejando la Retención de Placenta Pricipios Básicos: Procedimientos de Ordeño Muestreo de Leche Estéril Cursillo para Manejadores de Lechería
November 2010

The EU Challenge Milking Procedure Milk Sampling Irrigation Update SJVAPCD WDR Reminders Announcements

August 2010 Heat Stress Timing Corn Harvest Sampling Corn at Harvest Milk Quality Meet Dr. Rossow Fly Management WDR Reminders Repro. Short Course
May 2010 Carbon Footprints Feeding for Animal Requirements Training Videos Milk Urea Nitrogen When the Media Calls Incinerators in CA? Increasing Efficiency
January 2010 Dairy Wage Survey Overfeeding Nutrients Retained Placenta Water Use by Cows Crop Irrigation Animal Welfare Forage Seminar Herdsman Course North Valley Dairy Day
December 2009 Spanish Pausterizando Calostro Alimentando a terneros Altos LPC Leche + Remplazante de leche? Mortalidad Menos Visible Residuos de Antibioticos Vacas de Desecho Confort de la vaca Eficiencia en la conversión de alimentos Signos de depresión Enfermedad de Johne’s Huella del Carbono
October 2009 Carbon Footprints Employee Giftedness Residue Violations Johne's Disease Tail Docking Update UC Davis News Nutrient Management CDQAP Updates Small Grain Mycotoxins Announcements
July 2009 Impact, 1944 vs. 2007 High LPC's? Purchasing forage? Mineral content in feedstuffs Know the signs of depression Increase cow comfort Concealing animal mortalities Feeding Calves Managing irrigations Reproductive short course WDR sampling Heat stress tips Dairy Advisor Letter
May 2009 Heat Stress Feeding Toxic Weeds Milk + Milk Replacer Powder? Culling Considerations Tail Docking Survey Tail Docking Practices UC Davis Teaching Prize Bulk Tank Milk Quality Systems Management Feeding Gin Trash? Dairy Facility Options
January 2009 What does Proposition 2 mean for dairies? Ruminant feed ban rule gets "enhancements" Feed conversion efficiency WDR deliverables, July 2009 Tricolored blackbirds New faculty at UC Davis Pasteurized colostrums Dairy beef quality assurance Top Notch Dairy Practices Nutrient tracking on your fields Dairy Herdsman Shortcourse Regional Water Quality Control Board inspecions