UCCE teams with southern San Joaquin Valley teachers to educate children on the role of science and technology in local agricultural production.

May 2, 2016

UCCE teams with southern San Joaquin Valley teachers to educate children on the role of science and technology in local agricultural production.

May 2, 2016

On April 29, 2016, the 2nd grade classes at Centennial Elementary in Bakersfield, CA engaged UCCE farm advisor, Elizabeth Fichtner, in a program designed to highlight the importance of science and technology in agricultural productivity in the southern San Joaquin Valley.  Local grower cooperators hosting on-farm trials conducted by UCCE researchers facilitated the collaboration between UCCE and the elementary school.  Approximately 75 students from the classes of Mrs. King, Mrs. Maybee, and Mrs. Lopez attended the program.  

Elizabeth Fichtner explains the importance of dams in agricultural productivity to 2nd graders at Centennial Elementary School.


By Elizabeth J Fichtner
Author - Farm Advisor