Karmjot Randhawa
Fresno/Madera/Kings/Tulare Counties
Email: kgrandhawa@ucanr.edu
Phone: 559-241-7514
Contact Information
Tulare County
Cooperative Extension
4437-B S. Laspina St.
Tulare, CA 93274
Phone: (559) 684-3300
Fax: (559) 685-3319
Nut, Prune and Olive Programs

Farm Advisor
Specialties: Orchard Systems
(559) 684-3310
Fax: (559) 685-3319
Event Name | Date |
- Pest Notes
- UC Pest Management Guidelines
(UC Statewide IPM Project Web Site)
- UC Cooperative Extension Cost and Return Studies
- Almonds
Double Line Drip Irrigation. Southern San Joaquin Valley. 2016 PDF - Almonds
Flood Irrigated. San Joaquin Valley North. 2011. PDF - Almonds
Micro-sprinkler. San Joaquin Valley North. 2016. PDF - Olive Oil
Super High Density. San Joaquin Valley 2007. PDF - Olives - San Joaquin Valley. 2005 PDF
- Pecans - Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley - 2005. PDF
Low Volume Irrigation - San Joaquin Valley South. 2015. PDF
- Almonds
Yield benefits from a new strategy using naphthaleneacetic acid to manage olive crop load
The alternate bearing (AB) nature of olive is one of the top physiologically-driven challenges faced by olive growers. AB refers to the tree's habit of producing a heavy crop in one year followed by a light crop the next year. The heavy crop is referred...
UCCE Tulare County Hosts El Diamonte High School Student Intern, Mireya Molina
Mireya Molina, a rising senior at El Diamonte High School, joined UCCE Tulare County as a 2024 summer research intern serving the nut, olive, and prune research and extension program. Mireya has a strong science background and is an active member of her...
UCCE Joins International Team in Developing Geographic and Climate Adapted Pecan
UCCE Tulare County recently joined an international group of scientists focused on leveraging pecan genetics to develop trees adapted for the diverse geographic regions in which the trees are cultivated and for tree resilience in the advent of climate...